hiker walks across a low-flowing river

Wilderness First Aid / Swiftwater Rescue

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New Wilderness First Aid Certification Changes since 2023

Effective 1 March 2023, changes mandated by Alberta Occupational Health and Safety have been implemented, altering our range of Wilderness First Aid Programs.

Read additional FAQs from Rocky Mountain Adventure Medicine.

Workplace Certification: Specialty first aid programs are no longer be approved by Alberta Occupational Health and Safety. All courses now offer a first aid certification with CPR recognized by Alberta OHS, followed by a wilderness certification. 
The 24-hour program is paired with a Basic (Emergency) First Aid cert, while the 40-hour program is paired with an Intermediate (Standard) First Aid cert. We offer two versions of the 80-hour program - one paired with Intermediate (Standard) First Aid for most participants' needs, and one paired with Advanced First Aid for those requiring the higher workplace certificate. 
Advanced First Aid is also offered independently as a workplace cert if the wilderness component is not required.

Mixed Delivery: Most courses now include a portion of online self-study in advance of the classroom days, included in the course length.

New Titles: Our 24-, 40-, and 80-hour courses will be offered in a similar format, but with new names to reflect the curriculum update and industry standard. If you are taking a recertification course, look for the course of equivalent length. Please carefully note the two different 80-hour offerings and select the course appropriate for your needs.

Recertification: The 24-hour Remote First Aid course no longer has a separate recertification. As there is a lot to cover in a short time, recertification will be done by taking the full course again.

Questions: If you have any uncertainty about the appropriate level of certifiation for your needs, or the recertification that your exist cert is eligible for, please email us at email ocprograms@ucalgary.ca before registering and we can help you to find the correct option.

Course Equivalences

Previous Certification

RMAM 24-hour Remote Responder

RMAM 40-hour Adventure Medic

RMAM 80-hour Advanced Adventure Medic

New Certification

RMAM 24-hour Remote First Aid & Basic First Aid (no separate recertification)

RMAM 40-hour Wilderness Advanced First Aid & Intermediate First Aid (20-hour recertification)

RMAM 80-hour Wilderness First Responder (40-hour recertification) *with IFA and AFA options

Wilderness First Aid Courses

first aid practice on volunteer

Wilderness First Aid

We offer a variety of certification levels for all outdoor adventurers from casual weekend explorers to professional guides and ski patrollers, run year-round. 
Courses are taught by and certified through Rocky Mountain Adventure Medicine.

Backcountry Emergencies

This 8-hour course is the perfect overview for outdoor recreationalists who don't have a lot of time, and don't require a recognized certificate.
The training introduces potential injuries and emergencies that may arise during your backcountry adventure and focuses on how to manage them effectively.
This is a practical, non-certified course.

View offerings and register for Backcountry Emergencies

24-hour Remote First Aid & Basic First Aid

A great introduction to wilderness first aid, and suitable training for outdoor recreationalists.
This course is not appropriate or adequate for trip leaders, instructors or those undertaking extended travel in remote areas.
Course consists of 2.5 days of in-person theory and scenarios, supplemented by online learning.
There is no separate recertification for this course. Register for the same 24-hour course to recertify every three years.

View offerings and register for RFA & BFA

40-hour Wilderness Advanced First Aid & Intermediate First Aid

This 40-hour course is the wilderness first aid standard for avid outdoor recreationalists and activity instructors. The minimum standard for outdoor leaders in less remote areas, but not suitable for professionals spending extended periods of time in remote regions. The program focuses on the longer-term implications for care, stabilization, and evacuation of patients from wilderness locations, beyond the initial first aid treatment.
Course consists of 4 days of in-person instruction including 2 days of practical outdoor scenarios, supplemented by online learning

View offerings and register for WAFA & IFA

40-hour Wilderness Advanced First Aid & IFA Recertification

This recertification consists of an online content review component followed by 2.5 days of instruction (including at least 1 day of practical outdoor scenarios).
Prerequisite: current Wilderness Advanced First Aid or equivalent 40-hour wilderness first aid certification.

View offerings and register for WAFA & IFA recert

80-hour Wilderness First Responder & Intermediate First Aid

This 80-hour course is a comprehensive, professional-level training program suitable for those who work in a non-standard environment, as well as recreationalists planning extended and remote expeditions and outdoor leaders. This is the industry standard for outdoor professionals.
Training focuses on detailed assessment and medical care, particularly in emergency situations where equipment and resources may be limited, and includes CPR training to BLS standard.
Course consists of 9 days of in-person instruction including 4 days of practical outdoor scenarios, supplemented by online learning

View offerings and register for WFR & IFA

80-hour Wilderness First Responder & IFA Recertification

This recertification consists of an online content review component followed by 4 days of instruction (including at least 2 days of practical outdoor scenarios).
Prerequisite: current Wilderness First Responder or equivalent 80-hour wilderness first aid certification.

View offerings and register for WFR & IFA recert

80-hour Wilderness First Responder & Advanced First Aid

This is a comprehensive, professional-level training program suitable for those who require advanced workplace first aid certification as well as an 80-hour Wilderness First Responder cert. This course is suitable for industry professionals who require the AFA/OFA3 level of certification for professional use. 
This course requires a high level of commitment, and includes self-study and homework assignments. 
Course consists of 10 days of in-person instruction including 8 days of AFA instruction and scenarios followed by 2 days of wilderness content, supplemented by online learning.

View offerings and register for WFR & AFA

80-hour Wilderness First Responder & AFA Recertification

This recertification consists of an online content review component followed by 6 days of instruction including practical scenarios in both workplace and wilderness settings.
Prerequisite: current Wilderness First Responder & Advanced First Aid or equivalent 80-hour wilderness first aid & AFA/OFA3 certification.

View offerings and register for WFR & AFA recert

Wilderness First Responder Bridge Course

This course is those who have recently completed a 40-hour Wilderness Advanced First Aid course and would like to raise that certification to the 80-hour professional level. To be eligible, 40-hour certification must have been completed no more than 1 year prior to the start of the bridge course.
Prerequisite: 40-hour wilderness first aid certificate received within the past 1 year.

View offerings and register for WFR bridge

Bridge Courses

We do not currently offer bridge courses for any other certification levels.

Workplace First Aid Courses

Workplace Advanced First Aid

This technical course is a comprehensive, professional-level training program for those who require advanced workplace first aid certification and do not require a wilderness component.
This course requires a high level of commitment, and includes self-study and homework assignments. The course is delivered over 5 days of instructional time combined with a significant online learning portion.

View offerings and register for AFA

Workplace Advanced First Aid Recertification

This recertification consists of an online content review component followed by 5 days of instruction including practical scenarios.
Prerequisite: current Advanced First Aid certification

View offerings and register for AFA Recert

Swiftwater Rescue Courses

water crossing in line

Swiftwater Rescue

Take a comprehensive weekend course or sign up for the single-day SWR 1 or 2 individually.
Swiftwater Rescue is offered on local rivers each spring (early May to early July)
Courses are taught by and certified through Rocky Mountain Adventure Medicine.

Swiftwater Rescue 1

Develop self-rescue skills for open-water activites, whether rafting, canoeing, kayaking, or working along the waterfront. Swiftwater Rescue 1 focuses on personal safety equipment, open-water swimming skills, and rescue principles. Learn about the water environment and safe procedures in a waterfront setting, and develop skills for river crossings, safe swimming, and rescue organization.
This one-day course offers a combination of theoretical and practical skill development with certification through Rocky Mountain Adventure Medicine.

View offerings and register for SWR 1

Swiftwater Rescue 2

Build on your self-rescue skills from Swiftwater Rescue 1 and learn how to assist others in a rescue situation. Swiftwater Rescue 2 focuses on techniques and equipment for rescues including knots and rope systems, rescue organization, and assisting an injured swimmer.
This one-day course offers a combination of theoretical and practical skill development with certification through Rocky Mountain Adventure Medicine.

View offerings and register for SWR 2

Swiftwater Rescue 1 & 2 Weekend

Develop your skills to safely rescue yourself and others in a moving water environment. Learn about safe procedures in and around water, swimming skills, and personal safety equipment, then build on these skills with rope systems, rescue organization, and more techniques to assist others.

View offerings and register for SWR 1 & 2


Program Coordinators


All certification is provided by Rocky Mountain Adventure Medicine.

Our program coordinators