Lessons and skill-building courses

Start with beginner lessons and progress as your skills develop. Our experienced instructors teach adults and children year-round.

Built to practice outdoor mountain skills. Our 13m indoor climbing wall features moulded concrete panels embedded with quartzite holds, texture, cracks, and chimneys. It was designed to learn/practice leading on gear, anchor building, rappelling, rock rescue and crevasse rescue. 

A revamped bouldering wall. The bouldering wall in the basement of the Kinesiology A block was revamped in 2019 and 2023 with recommendations and feedback from the local climbing community.

Students are members. University of Calgary students have free access to the climbing walls as part of their fees.

Select 'Browse programs' to see Outdoor Centre offerings/dates on the shared Active Living registration tool.

person is top-rope climbing on wall

Climbing and Bouldering

Start with indoor adult beginner climbing courses on our walls, then get out on the rock.

youth climbing

Youth Climbing

Our experienced climbing instructors progressive skills to kids of all ages on our climbing and bouldering walls.

Want to use the climbing or bouldering walls?


Youth Climbing & Bouldering

Lauren Chown
Program Coordinator, Instructor

T. 403.220.7090

Our program coordinators