compass viewed against mountains in backdrop

Navigation & Outdoor Skills

Stay found wherever you go

Plan great trips and never get lost again with skills learned in our comprehensive navigation programs.

map, compass, and GPS


Learn the key skills to plan your own trips and keep track along the way using a variety of physical and electronic tools. Start with an introductory map reading course and then continue to build your toolkit with our GPS/GNSS and other courses.

Intro to Navigation (Paper and Digital Maps)

Learn the basics of navigation including the use of landforms, trail markers, route information, and maps of all types.  Options for both paper and electronic maps will be introduced, including an overview of current apps and online tools and their common features.

View offerings and register for Intro Navigation (Maps)

GPS/GNSS Navigation

Take the next step - learn the basic functions of GPS/GNSS and how to apply the technology to backcountry navigation. Practice finding your location, marking waypoints, creating and following a route, and saving and interpreting the data recorded on a trip using handheld units and smartphone apps.
Prerequisite: Intro to Navigation (Maps) or equivalent map reading course

View offerings and register for GPS/GNSS Navigation

Compass Navigation

Supplement your navigation skills with compass use. Over a morning class and afternoon outdoor practice, learn how to interpret a compass including cardinal directions, bearings, and declination. Integrate your map and compass knowledge through practice for effective navigation across any terrain. 
Prerequisite: Intro to Navigation (Maps) or equivalent map reading course

View offerings and register for Compass Navigation

Outdoor Knowledge & Skills

Prepare for your outdoor activities with supplementary courses to to build your knowledge and abilities. These courses will be of value whatever you like to do in the mountains.

Bear & Wildlife Safety

Don't let your fear of bears, cougars or other animals keep you out of the backcountry. In this 2-hour lecture, learn about bear signs and behaviours, how to avoid them and what to do when you do meet an animal on the trail. 
Prerequisite: none. Includes: instructor.

View offerings and register for Bear & Wildlife Safety

Prefer to let us do the navigating? Sign up for a Guided Day Hike


Questions? Contact:

Rachel Oggy
Navigation Program Coordinator