hiker walks across a low-flowing river

Swiftwater Rescue

Stay safe in and around the water

Water safety is important whether you are working along side or paddling on it. Learn how to rescue yourself and others - and avoid rescue situations in the first place through these practical courses.

water crossing in line

Swiftwater Rescue

Take a comprehensive two-day SWR 1 & 2 course or sign up for the single-day Safety & Awareness program.
Swiftwater Rescue is offered on local rivers each spring (early May to early July)
Courses are taught by and certified through Rocky Mountain Adventure Medicine.

Swiftwater Rescue 1 & 2

Develop the skills to safely rescue yourself and others in a moving water environment. This 2-day Swiftwater Rescue course includes SWR 1 focused on self-rescue skills (basic personal safety in and around moving water, open water swimming skills, and rescue principles), and SWR 2 focused on technique and equipment for rescue of others in a variety of open-water environments. 
Certification is valid for 3 years. Re-certification is through re-taking the same 2-day course.
Prerequisite: strong swimming skills and confidence in open, moving water

View offerings and register for SWR 1 & 2

Swiftwater Safety and Awareness

This 1-day Swiftwater Safety and Awareness program emphasizes river assessment and safety while working around, on, or in bodies of water, including practical distinctions between safe and non-safe water sites. The course consists of an online learning component followed by a full day at the water site.
Certification is valid for 3 years. Re-certification is through re-taking the same course.
Prerequisite: strong swimming skills and confidence in open, moving water

View offerings and register for SWSA

Looking to rent outdoor gear or equipment? Rentals & Services

Questions? Contact:

Rachel Oggy
Swiftwater Rescue Program Coordinator

All certification is provided by Rocky Mountain Adventure Medicine.